Athletic Dental Emergencies

A properly-formed custom athletic mouthguard is recommended for all sports activities to help protect the mouth and teeth from injury. While mouthguards provide a level of protection, sometimes injuries may occur.

Fracture (broken tooth)

  • Remain calm.
  • If a tooth is fractured, immediately contact your dentist. Timing is very important. Remain calm.
  • Locate the broken fragment and place in saliva, saline, water or milk.
  • Protect the inside of the mouth and broken tooth. Have patient bite down on gauze.
  • Transport both the patient and fragmented tooth to the dentist.

Avulsion (Tooth Knocked out Completely) - Adult tooth only

  • Remain calm. Locate tooth and contact your dentist immediately. Timing is very important.
  • Pick up tooth by crown and if dirty, gently rinse in water. Do Not Scrub Tooth.
  • If possible, push tooth back into socket and bite on gauze to stabilize.
  • Do not attempt to replant a baby tooth. Damage to the permanent tooth can be caused.
  • If not possible, transport in milk, saline or water. Minimizing time out of the mouth is crucial.
  • Transport the patient and tooth to the dentist.

Luxations (Tooth in mouth but moved - In wrong position)

  • Contact your dentist immediately.
  • If possible, try to reposition tooth.
  • Follow up with your dentist.

Extrusions (Tooth coming out of socket - appears longer)

  • Contact your dentist immediately.
  • Attempt to reposition.
  • Follow up with your dentist.

Intrusion (Tooth pushed into socket or jaw)

  • Contact your dentist immediately.
  • Make sure tooth is not knocked out.
  • Do Not Attempt to reposition tooth.
  • Follow up with your dentist.

Trauma injuries require immediate action. Contact your dentist immediately if there is a dental-trauma related injury.

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