Cosmetic Dentistry is designed to create a positive change to your smile. With the use of bleaching or whitening, veneers, bonding, sometimes orthodontics and minor surgery we can vastly improve your smile and potentially how you feel about your appearance!
Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain or composite that are placed on the front of teeth to help improve or support the look and shape of teeth. A consultation is recommended to determine whether a patient is an ideal candidate for veneers.
Bonding is the cosmetic placement of composite over teeth to help improve the look and help support the natural tooth. Cosmetic bonding is one of the most cost effective ways to improve a person’s smile.
Orthodontics includes minor tooth movements (MTM), Invisalign or traditional wire and bracket orthodontics. Cosmetic orthodontics is designed to improve the aesthetics and function of teeth. The correction of a malignment may significantly aid in more predictable dentistry in the future.
Minor surgery includes gum reshaping to help the appearance of the teeth.