Mouthguards and Sports Dentistry

Mouthguards for Sports

Dental injuries during sport play is a common occurrence regardless of gender, age or skill level. Dental injuries are common in both contact and non-contact sports (for mouthguards for grinding and clenching, please see this page).

To help reduce sports-related injuries, optimal maintained oral health and a properly fitted and adjusted mouthguard are recommended. Athletic mouthguards provide protection and can significantly reduce the risk of injury.

All people of all ages should wear a properly fitted mouthguard during any sporting activity where there is reasonable risk of injury.

There are 3 types of mouthguards:

  • a stock mouthguard (least customizable)
  • a boil-and-bite mouthguard (partially customizable)
  • a vacuum-made mouthguard or a pressure-laminated mouthguard (custom-made)
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